Four of the A group did the Baldface Circle Trail, a loop hike up in Evans Notch, on a mostly sunny and dry day, just right for shorts and T-shirts. North and South Baldface are on the OTHH "52-With A View" list, justifiably so. The whole loop is 9.8 miles and close to 3500 ft of total elevation gain. We went counterclockwise, going up to the ridge and snacking near Eagle Crag. The trail took us 1.2 miles over and up North Baldface, where another hiker took the picture below of Frank, Denise, Dick, and John. In the background to the left of Frank is the Wildcat ridge and Mt. Washington.

Then it was another 1.2 miles down and then back up to South Baldface. Since the rocks had dried after the previous day's rain, we opted to go continue on the Baldface Circle Trail, rather than the easier but wetter and mile longer Slippery Brook Trail. It may have been easier to take the latter, as going down the ledges was extremely slow, not recommended for either direction in wet weather. Below is a shot of what the "trail" looked like for a half mile.
At 1.2 miles down from South Baldface (it seemed weird that so many of the distances between points on this trail were 1.2 miles), we came to the Baldface shelter. After that, the trail off the mountain was relatively easy walking.