Thursday, June 27, 2024

Hancocks - June 25, 2024

 There was a good turnout for a hike up North and South Hancock mountains. The trail begins with a couple of easy miles from the hairpin turn parking lot on the Kanc to the Cedar Brook Trail, which we followed a way, and with a bit more steepness, to the Hancock Loop Trail. Then it was up, up, and up, steeply, to the north peak. After a snack and photos at the nice outlook there, we continued on the fairly easy 1.4 miles over to the south peak, where we had lunch. Pictured below, after lunch at the south peak, are Wharton, Meg, Michele, Dick, and Pat. Not shown are Pam and Bob S., who already had started down. Lunch done, we picked our way slowly down the very steep and rocky half mile to the loop junction, then out to the cars.

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