Sunday, September 15, 2024

Tuesday Sep 10 Monroe & Washington

The forecast was calling for temperatures around 30 with winds steady at 40mph gusting to 60. There was no indication of precipitation the night before or during the day so five of us set off for the summits. Dick and Larry were in the early start group while Pam, Doug and Steve were in the late start group. The hike up to the Lakes of the Clouds hut was uneventful. While heading up and down Monroe, we all wondered what the conditions were going to be like since the wind took your breath right out of your lungs.

Fortunately, the conditions were pretty decent heading up to the Washington summit. The temperature was 38 with winds steady at 40 so the wind chill was 24. We were all dressed for those conditions. It was nice, though, to be able to eat lunch sitting in a chair, at a table and having hot water in the bathroom.

Below is a view of the waterfall that is part way up the steep section of the Ammonoosuc Ravine trail. There's a short spur off the trail for 80 yards and is well worth the walk.

Below is a view of what was supposed to be the summit of Washington from Monroe if someone wasn't in the way.

Below are Larry, Steve, Doug and Pam and with Dick wearing goggles at the summit of Mt. Washington!

With this hike, both Pam and Doug finished their 8th round of hiking all of the NH 48 4000 footers! What will they do next?

Notice the difference in clothing worn between the summit and the base.

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