Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Tuesday Sep 24 Madison & Adams

On Tuesday, 7 of us hiked to Madison (5366 feet) and Adams (5799 feet) while another hiked to Jefferson (5716 feet). Jane, Marie, Dick, Doug, John, Larry and Steve hiked to M&A. Pam hiked to Jefferson. Doug and Steve ascended some NH Terrifying 25 trails using King Ravine, the Subway and Great Gully on the way to Mt Adams. They then descended to the Madison Springs hut and over to Mt Madison. The rest of the group hiked up Valley Way to the hut, up and down Madison, then over to Adams, back down to the hut and then down Valley Way to Applachia.

Below is Mossy Falls which is along the King Ravine trail.

Below are Doug and Steve on the Adams summit.

Below is Doug descending from Madison into the clouds.

Below is Dick at the Adams summit.

Upon completion of this hike Larry finished his 5th round of the NH 48 4000 footers!! Congratulations to Larry for his achievement. We all enjoyed Pam's homemade carrot cake and bubbly.

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