Saturday, April 30, 2016

Preparing for hiking season

Time to refresh those first aid kits, fill out your Emergency Contact sheet, and double check your hiking essential 10.

In addition, New Hampshire now has the option to purchase Hike Safe insurance.  Here are some valuable links, as well as a link to an Emergency Contact sheet.  It is recommended to always carry these items in your hiking backpack.  These tips could save your life in the case of an unfortunate situation.

Build a first Aid kit

Essential 10 hiking checklist

Hike Safe
**a cheaper way for those over 68 is to get a permanent fishing license from the state, which gives the same rescue cost protection as the Hike Safe card. There is a $2 filing fee. The state's website has more information, and a downloadable .pdf form to fill out and send in. 

For questions, you can always call the the Fish and Game licensing office at, (603) 271-3422, or visit their Concord office.

Emergency Contact

2016 Over The Hill Hikers B group schedule

Please contact the hike leader to confirm meeting location and time, carpooling, etc.  Hiking schedule is always subject to change.

To be added to the email distribution for the B group, please contact

May 24th,   Mt. Roberts,  Gerry Gingras at 603-284-9230

May 31st,  Red Hill to the fire tower,  Shirley Stanek at 203-644-7770

June 7th,  White Ledge Loop, Tracy Ripkey at 860-303-8138

June 14th, Morgan-Percival Loop, Dick & Ruth Stuart at 603-253-9964

June 21st, Welch-Dickey,  Ginger Ishkanian at 207-577-0966

June 28th, Big Rock Cave, Kathy Thorndike at 603-707-7598

July 5th, Mt. Shaw, Tracy Ripkey at 860-303-8138

July 12th, Osceola, Ruth & Dick Stuart at 603-253-9964

July 19th, Copermine Trail to Bridal Veil Falls, TBD

July 26th, Blueberry Mtn / Evans Notch, Tracy Ripkey at 860-303-8138

Aug 2nd, Mt. Flume / Liberty, Tracy Ripkey at 860-303-8138

***Second half of season to be planned mid summer.

2016 Over The Hill Hikers A Group Schedule

If you plan to hike a scheduled hike, please coordinate with the Leader to confirm meeting time, carpooling, etc.  Schedule is always subject to change.

Date           Mountain                                 Leader/Phone
MAY   3       Mt. Snow                                Sandy Price 520-0918

MAY   10      Mt. Roberts/Faraway Mt.          Bert Hanson 476-5461

MAY   17      The Belknaps (shortened)           John Buckley 533-8167

MAY   24      Mt. Kearsarge North                Noel Bodwell 707-0982

MAY   31      Mts. Stanton/Langdon/Crippies
                                                               Sandy Price 520-0918

JUNE         7       Mts. Tom/Field/Willey              Anne Knight 969-8743

JUNE         14      Mt. Moriah                              Dick Russell 253-7884

JUNE         21      Mts. Washington/Monroe          Sandy Price 520-0918

JUNE         28      Mt. Cabot                                Dick Russell 253-7884

JULY 5       Mt. Garfield                            Noel Bodwell/Deb Guyer 707-0982/455-                                                                   7089

NEXT PLANNING MEETING:                    JUNE 23rd at 7:00 PM at 29 Bosn Way Moultonborough, NH