2024 B Group hiking schedule & volunteer to lead a hike sign up sheet
B group / Moderate hikes are typically between 3 and 8 miles. We enjoy hiking the 52 WAV, and even an occasional 4k.
Here are some guidelines for organizing your hike:
The Friday or Saturday prior to your hike, send me an email (othhbhikes@gmail.com) to forward to the group using the distribution list.
Typically, on Sunday the email goes out to the distribution list about the upcoming week's hike. The organizer / leader keeps the group size to under 10, and communicates all details about meet up time / location. If the weather looks iffy, please include your way to deal with it, whether an email would be sent to those that have RSVP'd NLT Wednesday at 2100 (9pm) to continue or cancel, for example.
When we organize a hike, you are able to pick your own trails and start time. You may want to consider your start time based on parking limitations, weather / heat factor, and distance of both the hike and the time to the trail. It is nice to include a bit about the expectations of the hike, such as distance, elevation gain, and any hyperlinks you choose, or find helpful, etc.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know. Thank you all for volunteering!!!
(860) 303-8138
How can I connect with a hike?