(Pictured from Left to Right: John, Dick, Peter, Anne, Noel, Claude and Frank in front)
Hello Over the Hill Hikers,
This is not the desired first email I had hoped for in 2021, but an important one.
Our friend and fellow hiker, Claude Cormier is in hospice care following a significant fall with injuries. His family wished for me to pass this along to his hiking friends for positive thoughts of love and prayer.
Claude recently celebrated his 80th birthday with his wife Claudette in Massachusetts. Claude was an avid hiker with the OTHH, but has since retired his boots for a more leisurely paced life. Claude started out hiking with the B group years ago, and later completed an impressive 12 ROUNDS of the 48 4'000 footers with friends in the A group. Sandy, Sharon, Peter, Bert, Noel, Deb, John, Dick, Frank, Doug and Ellen to name just a few, are friends from his hiking circle of influence. Others of course are the late Lib, Helen, Mary, Jim, Frank, and so on. Please forgive me if I've missed someone, because Claude made friends so easily on the trail there are truly a number of people who supported him and encouraged him over his hiking years.
When I hear of any other news about Claude I will certainly pass it along.
Tracy Ripkey